We thank the Lord for every individual who volunteers their time and gifts to serve the Lord, who help us prepare the church for worship services, and who show the love of Christ to others in their service to St. Michael.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepare the altar for baptisms, communion and worship services.

Children’s Church

During the late service on Sunday mornings, children age 3 - 6 are invited to attend Children’s Church, where volunteers sing songs, share a brief lesson, and help the children with a craft.

Lesson Prep: Prepare the lesson and organize the materials for Children’s Church. Volunteers are only asked to prepare one week per month.

Lesson Leader: Lead the singing, teach the lesson, and explain the craft.

Helpers: Assist the children.


This team helps prepare coffee and set out doughnuts on Sunday mornings.


Work with a team to tend to the landscaping needs of St. Michael.


Greeters welcome members and guests at one service per month.

Lay Reader

A lay reader reads the Old Testament and Epistle reading from the pulpit.


Individuals who enjoy cooking help St. Michael with special events, funerals, and our youth.

Prayer Ministry

St. Michael has multiple prayer ministries that you can be involved with: prayer chain for requests submitted to the church; praying for our youth; and God Answers Prayer (GAP), which occurs after worship services one time per month.


A team of puppeteers engage the congregation with music and a message three to four times a year.

Sound Technician

Sound technicians work closely with the musicians and pastors to ensure quality sound within the worship services.


Ushers pass out bulletins, welcome members and guests, assist with offering and communion, and help individuals with special needs.

Complete this form if you are interested in serving or would like more information about any of the areas of service.